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How do I find out the injury codes that OWCP has approved on my federal workers compensation case?

Jeff Zeelander

I frequently speak to OWCP claimants who do not know what specific medical conditions their case is approved for. This can lead to problems when it turns out your case was only approved for a minor condition or aspects of your injuries were never accepted. This is also important information to share with your doctors as bills will not get paid, surgery will not get authorized, and a multitude of other problems can arise if your doctors are not using the codes your case is approved for or explaining in reports why the coding needs to be corrected.

If you are not sure what medical conditions your case is approved for, you can now view that information through OWCP's Claimant Query System (CQS) system. Many current federal employees are able to access CQS through the National Finance Center (NFC) website:

However, if you do not have NFC access, such as anyone who is no longer a federal employee, you can log in directly to the CQS system by following this link:

It is important to make sure that your doctors are aware of the exact accepted medical conditions from your case and that you make sure that if conditions need to be upgraded or added to your case, that you arrange for your doctor to provide a good narrative report explaining how the additional condition(s) relate to the mechanism of how you were injured.

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